Description of I Can't Make You Love Him

I Can’t Make You Love Him was the first in a collection of written works, inspired by the Holy Spirit, during the years McCall was raising her first granddaughter. I Can’t Make You Love Him is a short read filled with trials and battles Christian parents often face daily. The words written within are to bring insight to a growing world, a world predominantly minus the teachings of Jesus Christ, a world filled with social media and entertainment, a world where the family unit has declined, a world where there are many parents absent from the lives of their children—broken homes, addictions, violence, etc. The sufferer may be our children, but these same children grow up in a cold world, one filled with confusion and loneliness to one day become parents themselves. The answers today cannot be found through this book or any other; the answers cannot be found in buildings labeled church, nor can the answers be found in any other means, except through the Word of God. Yes, this book and others proclaiming the true Biblical teachings of Jesus Christ can lead this world to truth, but ultimately it takes people who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and seek that which is absent from their lives. McCall’s teachings are geared to lead others to seek the Bible—the sound doctrine of Christ. Christians are called to rise above what is seen in the natural realm. They are called to follow the sound doctrine of the Word of God. The revelation McCall gained in I Can’t Make You Love Him focuses on our own individual relationship with Jesus Christ. Only through our relationship with our Creator, where we fall in love with Him individually—witnessing real Christianity, others will desire what we have. No, we cannot make our children fall in love with Jesus, nor can we make ourselves fall in love with Him, but if we truly desire that heartfelt relationship, it begins with seeking Him deeply—ask, seek, and knock! Matthew 7:7-8