Description of I Will Stand & Not Be Moved

I Will Stand & Not Be Moved, a motivational tool for parents to teach and equip their children to be warriors in God’s army. Inspired many years ago, McCall realized during the course of writing the two-part series for Christians to rise and be warriors facing and triumphing over spiritual battles faced daily, there was also a need for parents to teach their children how to live their own lives bold, strong, and courageous in the world which we live. I Will Stand & Not Be Moved is designed to be taught in lesson form individually within the home or through classroom settings for multiple children. I Will Stand & Not Be Moved is written in a fun way for children of all ages, a great tool to bring the subject of warfare, the spiritual realm, and the Holy Spirit alive for our children to be able to visualize a vital part of Christianity that is rarely taught. As Jesus spoke, the helper, the Holy Spirit… will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things. These teachings are vital to our children and generations to come, for it is the realm which we cannot see that created all which we see today. It is only through that small, quiet voice we learn to walk in the realm unseen, and only then do we understand the trials and battles we face daily in order to stand firm on our convictions to be who we are all called to be for our Lord, Jesus Christ.