Description of The Narrow Road

The Narrow Road, Finding Christ in an Uncertain World, is an in-depth study of true Biblical doctrine, which separates the true sheep from the world. McCall’s walk with Jesus Christ has taken many turns where she found the more she studied Scripture, the more she discovered what the world looks at as Christianity did not line up. Crying out to God for answers to many questions, McCall continued to pursue the Lord’s discernment, finding herself face to face with insight to many Biblical truths which the world, far too often, is blinded. The Narrow Road began to be birthed when McCall stepped away from the modern-day church, spending six months in what she referred to as her desert—minus all influences, a journey spent alone with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Through this trial in her walk with Jesus Christ led her down many roads with no influences from the outside. Stepping into a realm where many will not dare to go, McCall found answers to many questions—questions that should be asked among the Christian community—If only few see heaven, who are the few? If many who claim to be Christians stand before Jesus one day where He says, ‘depart from me…,’ who are the many? If the world hated Jesus—we are told they will also hate those who follow Him, why are the majority who claim to be Christians loved by the world? McCall examines these questions and many others, along with exposing the false doctrines of the modern day church.